Thursday, March 12, 2009

So my friend has been hounding me to create a blog.. So MINA... Happy now!! Hehehe.
I've been sick for the past 3 days, fever, headache sore muscles the works.. So since I've been home from work, I figured I get on here and just look around. Then I just got bored with just going to Facebook, and Myspace, so I figured why not create a Blog.. so.. tada!!

I know this blog is entitled Mary Kay Diva Thoughts, but I will also add in posts about random stuff. Whatever I feel like, whatever is on the mind at the time.

Right now I'm just blurting cause the headache is coming back. Ahhhh!! I hate this headache!!


  1. You've gotta good start kiddo :o). Remember to follow others also on your blog, hint/
    God bless you*

    Mom (Lady Bee)

  2. Lol yes, happy now. You can post from your phone too if you're on the run...same with Twitter!
